Shuttle bookings coming soon (Online booking required)
Chateaubus spot : Melun, Avenue Gallieni in front of the Café de la Gare
*TAXIS from Melun Station:
If you take a taxi from Melun Station to Vaux le Vicomte, here are the approximative fares ( they use the taxi meter) :
- Melun Station to vaux during the day : 18-20€
- Vaux- Melun station during the day : 20-25€
- Add 5 € one way during night hours
- You may have to add another 5€ if the taxi has to go around the long plane tree road leading to the château , when it is closed.
Please avoid the non official taxis who do not have a licence nor a taxi meter. Also, your insurance will not cover you in case of accident.